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  • When do you accept donations?
    Monday through Saturday from 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • When I arrive at the Thrift Store, where do I take or unload my donations?"
    Please bring all donations to the Southwest side of the building.You will see a donation sign with instructions to ring a door bell for assistance. We are willing, ready, and able to help you unload your donations.
  • Do all of the donations have to be taken to the Thrift Store in Shipshewana?
    No, you may also bring your donations to The Arc of LaGrange County located at 0235 W 300 N Howe, IN 46746 if it is more convienent for you. Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 8:00am - 4:00pm.
  • Do you have a pick-up service?
    We do not normally have pick-up services for donations. However, we do occasionally provide this service if deemed appropriate. Feel free to contact The Arc of LaGrange County at 260.463.2653 to discuss if this service applies to your situation.
  • What can I donate?
    Anything you would be willing to buy! We accept furniture, household items, decor, seasonal merchandise, knick-knacks, craft supplies, sporting goods, clothes, books, electronics that are current and in good working order, etc.
  • What items do you NOT accept?
    We cannot accept carseats, motorcycle helmets, obsolete electronics, mattresses, and baby beds.
  • How do I determine what’s acceptable to donate?
    Ask yourself, “If I went into the store to shop, would I buy this?”. If the answer is no, then kindly find another home for it.
  • Can I get a tax deduction for my donations?
    Yes, we will provide you with a form that you can document what you donated. However, an accountant will have to assist you in placing a value on you merchandise as we are not allowed to do that.
  • Will I receive anything for my donation?
    All donors will receive a 20% OFF on their next purchase at The Arc of LaGrange County Thrift Store.
  • Can I volunteer at the Thrift Store?
    Yes, to discuss potential volunteer opportunities speak with our store manager.
  • Where do I apply to work at the Thrift Store?
    You can apply in person at The Arc of LaGrange County Thrift Store, at The Arc of LaGrange County or you may apply online. Go to our “Hiring” page to apply online.
  • Will my donation make a difference?
    Absolutely! All profits from The Arc of LaGrange County Thrift Store stay within our community. This revenue helps enhance the programs and services offered to individuals with intellectual and development disabilities in LaGrange County. By donating to the Thrift Store or shopping at the Thrift Store you are helping to make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Thank you in advance for supporting your local Arc!

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0235 W 300 N Howe, IN 46746

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To provide opportunities to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to help them develop their unique potential and encourage meaningful participation in the community.​​

© 2023 The Arc of LaGrange County

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